Thursday, January 27, 2011

New riding partner

Carlos's couples ride was surprisingly super sonic in all conditions. Uncomfortably so.
Valerii Kryshen, who we met at the BMW dealership where we were spending the day getting Carlos's 1200GS rear drive fixed, was changing oil and his front tire on his Honda Africa Twin while on his RTW (round the world) tour.
We both saw no need to try to keep up with crazy fast riders, two up no less, and the two of us found good riding partners in eachother. We took a more liesurely pace to the same border crossing to Honduras that the couples took and when we got there, they were waiting around for the wheels of the Honduran bureaucracy to turn. They were a day behind on a schedule of two weeks and had women to answer to so they did not feel offended that we did not keep up their pace. Doris, Carlos wife, said if she were driving she would go faster.

After being released from an eternity (over six hours) of running for copies, waiting on lines, paying the bank...TWICE...  and computer malfunctions, Val and I rode off Men...
Euphoric, we stopped in Copan town to check out the restaurants and discuss the plan for the evening accommodations. While waiting for our burritos, I looked at the hotel next door, nice place, nice lady, got it to $20 from $22 for both of us. Then we were informed of a place just up the street and his price came from $20 to $15 but we still wanted the first place so it came down to $10.
It is where I type now on a very good Wi Fi connection and secure parking...the laundry is already in the machine. Showered and still drying our evening plan is to get Lempira from the ATM and check out the town.
The ruins of Copan's the plan for the AM with a free ride from the Hotel manager. Tuck Tuck would be under $1 one way. We rolled a seven on La Hotel Marjenny.


  1. Honey, how do you do it? I don't know anyone else who would walk into a repair shop and leave later having met and made friends with a guy going around the world who is now accompanying you on your journey. It leaves me breathless. You have such a talent for meeting people. I love that about you.
    Sorry you had such a trying time at the border crossing, but at last it was accomplished and you are on your way to fresh adventures.
    I'm looking forward to the pictures from the Copan ruins and hope you have lots of fun exploring.

  2. Life is treating you well, Danny! Such great people all along the way. Only minor delays. You are the best haggler I've ever met. I emailed Jose some photos for the snow and ice. The memories of PV are keeping me warm. I think winter will last till April this year! Lallygag getting back!
